Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I really enjoyed the documentary Sicko. It made a huge impact on me. I have never been so touched by a film before. It made me so mad at the United States because in Canada and Europe are already covered by insurance. Even if you need to catch a cab or bus to the hospital you are covered. Women get a whole year for maternity leave and their job is still secure. The one that made me most upset is that childcare is like a dollar an hour and you pay by the hour not by the day. The documentary showed how the United States insurance rejects so many patients or clients even though a certain surgery or etc. may be needed. One story that touched me was the black man who was denied cancer treatment even though his wife tried fighting for him by taking it to the board and ended up dieing a week or two later. It is so sad how the firefighters and police men who helped in 9-11 now have different sicknesses now can't even get help. Michael, the filmmaker, even took some of them to Cuba to get treatment for free. I like how Michael went to Canada and Europe to interview people to show how good the health care really is over their. This makes me want to move out of the United States. I don't really want to stay in a place where they kick people out of the hospital because they can't pay for thier insurance. All they do is pay for their cab to take them some where else. I think this is a docutmentary that everyone in the United States should have to watch to see how unfair our health care system really is. So overall this documentary made a huge impact on my life.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Cider House Rules

A couple of famous movie lines from the movie The Cider House Rules were:
  • "Goodnight you princes of Maine, you kings of New England."-Dr. Wilbur Larch
  • "I'm not a doctor. I haven't been to medical school. I haven't even been to high school!"-Homer Wells
  • "And you know what your business is, boy! I know you don't wanna be in no kind of business with me! That's what I know."-Arthur Rose
  • "Sometimes you have to break the rules to make things straight."

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I did not really care for the movie Amelie because I do not like foreign films. I also do not like that you have to read the subtitles. This movie was hard to follow and understand. What I got out of this film was that she is a shy waitress who loved helping those around her while dealing with her own problems and trying to find her one true love. I liked the fact that she was so willing to help everyone out. She found the man that the old toys belonged to and gave them back. She helped to hook up her co-worker with the guy that kept coming into the cafe. She also helped the man by getting back at the store owner by messing things up in his apartment. It made me mad that she was so shy. She kept playing games with the guy she liked, but she never had the courage to show herself until she got the incouragement from the old man. Even though this part of the movie should have been sad, it was still hilarious how Amelie's mother died when the suicidal woman landed on her. This caused her father to withdraw from life even farther and build the shrine in the backyard with the gnome. I feel that message Amelie was trying to get across to her father was that he should go out and explore the different opportunities that the world has to offer. She showed this by taking the garden gnome from place to place. She took pictures at each spot to send to her father. At the end of the movie we realized he got the message because he caught a cab to the airport. I am not sure why this film was nominated for so many academy awards. This film just does not make since until you stop and actually think about it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little Mis Sunshine

I really enjoyed the movie Little Miss Sunshine. I thought each charater was funny in their own way. This movie was a good example of ensemble acting. No actor in the group was more important than the other. They all did their part to make the movie hilarious. At first, my favorite character was the grandpa. He was so out spoken and said whatever was on his mind no matter who was in the room. His lines kept me laughing throughout the whole movie. My favorite scene with the grandpa was when he was talking Duane. His charater became invisible once he died, but didn't lose his identity because they were constantly refering to him and mentioning how important he was to them still. I also enjoyed Duanes character. Even though he didn't have speaking parts through most of the film, he was able to adapt with his facials and reaction shots throught the movie. His character was still very believable. He looked the part of a rebelious teenager. My favorite scene with Duane was when he realized that he was color blind and wouldn't be able to fly. He showed such emotion just like a real teenager would when they realize their whole life plan comes to a halt. I had a hard time believing Franks character. I thought he should have looked more depressed after just attempting suicide. I thought he was a good back bone to the family though. Olive was believable because she had a hard time excepting her for who she is because of what her dad would say. After she had her talk with Miss California that changed her way of thinking and she no longer worried about that. The dad did a good job of portraying his character. He was a jerk of a father and husband and in the end he became real caring for his daughter at the pagent. He didn't want her to get hurt. The mother always wanted what was best for her daughter. She was very honest with her daughter and always wanted her to know the truth with Franks suicide attempt and the death of the grandpa. Overall this was a good movie that I never wanted to watch before by looking at the cover, but that just goes to show that you can never judge a book by its cover.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Full Monty

I really liked The Full Monty because of its comedy. Majority of this movie had me laughing the whole time. The characters were what made the movie. It was depressing for them to have gotten laid off and to be with out another job, but it was funny that Gary came up with the whole Chippendales type show just to get money to keep his son. One hilarious part was when Gary and Dave were out jogging and they passed by Lumper who they thought was having car trouble, but Dave soon relized Lumper was trying to kill himself. The only thing that I really disliked was that it was hard to understand they heavy accent. I thought it was weird when Horse invited his family to watch them practice their routine, but at the sametime it was funny to watch his families faces.
I think this movie is really about how hard it is too lose a job, but these guys tried to make the best out of it. They had fun in the end, but went through a lot of uncertainties because of what it was that they had to do to get some money. I thought another message of this movie was that it is ok to love yourself and image no matter what. Daves wife encouraged him to do the "full monty" even though he was so self conscience. It was good to see how much Gary's son cared for him and wanted to help him by letting him borrow some of his savings because he trusted him. This movie also showed that it is important to trust and communicate with your loved ones. Gerald should have done this sooner with his wife because then she wouldn't have gone on her shopping sprees and etc. The detailing throughout the movie was pretty good. You could tell it's a big part of the movie especially when Gary and Dave were on the hill talking to Lumper after he tried killing himself. You could tell the director or producer wanted to get the city in the background. The lighting wasn't the best throughout the movie though. I don't know if it was the film it self or if it was the VHS or DVD. I understand if it was a VHS, but it not, I thought it could have been better. So overall I thought this was a very good comedy and I would give it at least an 8 on a scale of 1-10.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hotel Rwanda

The movie Hotel Rwanda made me very angry where Immaculees speech made me feel very sad. The movie showed so much courage mostly by Paul and also the genocides. It took so much courage from Paul to help save the lives of so many helpless refugees by hiding them in the hotel. It was so horrible watching the movie to actually have to see what the genocides went through. I can't even describe how they must have felt. Paul was inspired by his family to help save them and everyone else. He faced imposible odds to help save these refugees and in doing he was able to give them a little bit of hope. It was horrible to see the world turn its back on such a tragic moment. This is what made me the most upset.
Immaculee showed us how important prayer can be. I can't even imagine how it was possible for her and the seven other women were able to survive in such a small room for so long. The rosary her father gave her was the one thing that kept her going. Through it she found faith and learned many lessons. She knew God would protect her even though at times she doubted it. Through her prayer she was able to learn to forgive the Hutus and reconcile her anger. Overall, her story was very inspirational.
The events of 9/11 is another event that has happened in my lifetime. The media has shown how the enemy can really tear us apart. The film footage was what was most believable. It is hard to believe something you don't actually see especially when it is this horrific. The stories of the families were the most emotional to watch. The images that I most vividly remember are the footage of the towers falling down and the people jumping from the building. Learning about the events through the media makes it more real and emotional. Seeing it first hand makes it more real instead of just reading about it in a text book.
I feel the director needs to make majority of the film the truth. The false parts make for a good movie, but people need to see and hear the truth. If the movie isn't based mostly on the truth the whole meaning and message are lost. The false parts help make the movie more dramatic.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

I have mixed fillings about this Indiana Jones film, but I did enjoy the blend of action/adventure and humor. My favorite comedy scene was when the guy was swinging the sword wildly and Indiana Jones looked at him stupid and shot him with one shot. I didn't like the fact that this movie didn't keep my attention. I also love how he uses the whip, that probably has to be one of the best parts watching him use it throughout the movie. The artistic design when Jones was teaching in the school was shown through the make-up and lighting. The lighting showed that he was clean and well dressed. When he went to search for the ark, they made his skin looked all dirty and clothes were raggedy. It sets the tone for the particular scene and really helps show his two sides. I wasd disappointed in how little action there was in the movie. With most Indiana Jones movies you expect there to be a lot of action. I really liked the scene where they were competing with each other on who could take the most shots. You don't usually see women in movies taking shots like that. It was surprising and made the movie more interesting. I feel Harrison Ford does an excelent job of portraying Indiana Jones, I don't think the movie would be the same with another actor. I think this movie has been so highly aclaimed over the years because of all the adveture in it. Also, Steven Spielberg never lets people down with his films. The sounds effects were also a huge part in keeping the movie interesting, that is one part that kept you on your toes. So even though I had mixed fillings over this film, it was still a good movie to watch.